5 ways to improve the customer experience with SMS Marketing

With the following 3 figures you will quickly understand the effectiveness of SMS Marketing :

  • 99% open rate
  • 60% recall rate
  • 90% of text messages are read within three minutes of receipt

Let’s add another data: when 85% of emails sent by brands will be considered spam, only 1% are with SMS.
These short messages have a much stronger deliverability than any email, with a tenfold impact on the recipient. If you haven’t yet integrated SMS into your business strategy, now is the time to get started!

SMS: a local tool

With SMS , you create a close relationship with your customers. Even if it may seem intrusive, it elevates your brand to the rank of privileged contact.
In addition to saving time, and money, in the creation of your campaigns , SMS allows you to quickly promote your activities and build customer loyalty.
Let’s see how this little message can help your company improve the customer experience!

1. SMS to remind appointments

SMS appointment

To reduce the rate of absence from your appointments, there is no better than SMS.
Just send reminders the night before. The spontaneous nature of an SMS will help the customer to keep the appointment or reservation in mind and not forget it

In addition, it maximizes the productivity of your employees. More appointments held equal fewer schedule changes and more conversions. Which means your teams can operate at full capacity and at optimum speed all the time.

2. Allow questions about products and services

Customers will often have questions before purchase. Your prospects, even more! In their decision phase, they will certainly have many questions before deciding.
By offering to contact you by SMS, they will not hesitate to use this means of communication. From small, simple or innocuous questions to urgent questions, they will use messages to ask them instead of picking up the phone or writing an email.
SMS guarantees them real-time reading… and personalized support.

3. Send upsell offers

SMS discounts

Sending SMS allows you to increase your sales in a natural and organic way.
When you see fit, offer your customers add-ons or discounts on their purchases with a quick little text. This will earn you more money and grow customer experience by providing consumers with personalized services and products.
You can also invite them to commercial events such as sales, private sales or the launch of a new collection.

Warning: Do not abuse this type of SMS at the risk of seeing your customers unsubscribe and having a bad image of your brand. Do this when you make an offer they can’t refuse.

4. Collect feedback by SMS

Customers are likely to respond to a short text asking them to rate their experience on a graduated scale.
Take advantage of SMS to collect their opinion on your products, your services or the quality of reception in your store.
This means will allow you to quickly obtain relevant opinions to improve your offers… and the user experience! The key: new prospects and greater customer satisfaction.

5. Integrate SMS into after-sales service

Some problems can be resolved quickly, such as a customer who wonders where his order is, another who wonders about a discount code that does not work…
Since, in an SMS, it is possible to attach videos and photos, you can solve “small” problems easily. A method that will perfectly suit customers in a hurry!
SMS has many advantages in a world where prospects and customers are increasingly in a hurry.
Adopting this technique means improving your services, the loyalty of your customers and the acquisition of prospects. Ready to take the leap?

SAKHRI Mohamed
SAKHRI Mohamed

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations in addition to a Master's degree in International Security Studies. Alongside this, I have a passion for web development. During my studies, I acquired a strong understanding of fundamental political concepts and theories in international relations, security studies, and strategic studies.

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