التهديدات الأمنية في العلاقات الدولية

التهديدات الأمنية في العلاقات الدولية

تتميز العلاقات الدولية بإنعطافاتها الإستراتيجية الكبرى على مدى تاريخ تطورها الزمني،مما ترتب عنها تغييرات تمس البني السياسية والأمنية الاقتصادية، التي كانت سائدة في فترة ما، ومن خلال ما تشكله كذلك ، من صعود لتهديدات أمنية معينة،لذلك تصف هذه المحاضرة طبيعة تلك التهديدات الأمنية بمضامينها التقليدية والجديدة.
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Algerian Encyclopedia of Political and Strategic Studies

We Explain Politics

Political Studies

A section that includes articles, research and studies concerned with Arab and international political affairs, where the phenomenon of state building, political thought, democratic transformation and other related political phenomena and concepts are addressed

Security Studies

A section that includes articles, research and studies related to the security phenomenon such as violence, wars, terrorism, health and environmental issues.

Legal Studies

A section that includes articles, research and studies concerned with Arab and international legal affairs, such as issues of judicial legislation, judicial rulings, international law, human rights organizations

Economic Studies

The Department of Economic Issues includes articles, research and studies concerned with Arab and international economic affairs, where the phenomenon of globalization, economic crises, the capitalist system, economic thought, dependency, and economic crises are addressed..
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