Dialectical Materialism and PoliticsThe concepts of ideology, economic determinism, and the class struggle complete the theoretical parts of Marx’s social philosophy.Read MoreDialectical Materialism and Politics
The Ethics of Teacher-Student RelationshipsWhen I was starting out in my academic career, I was assigned a senior colleague as a mentor. This is not an unusual practice.Read MoreThe Ethics of Teacher-Student Relationships
The Importance of Collective Intelligence in a Sustainable FutureWhy is this true? I take my support for this from Joseph Tainter’s argument in The Collapse of Complex Societies. For those who do not know, Tainter’s book tries to explain why complex historical civilisations collapsed.Read MoreThe Importance of Collective Intelligence in a Sustainable Future
Understanding Nihilism: What if nothing matters?Nihilism is a philosophy, or family of views within philosophy, expressing some form of negation towards lifeRead MoreUnderstanding Nihilism: What if nothing matters?