Geopolitics StudiesInternational studiesPolitical studies

Fukuyama vs. Huntington vs. Mearsheimer: Analyzing Their Perspectives to Determine Who Was Right and Who Was Wrong

The End of the Cold War in 1989 marked a new beginning in the realm of political science. The post-Cold War era paved the way for innovative theories that tried to explain the future trajectory of global politics. Three of the most influential theories came from political scientists Francis Fukuyama, Samuel Huntington, and John Mearsheimer. Fukuyama propounded the “End of History” thesis, while Huntington presented the “Clash of Civilizations” idea, and Mearsheimer posited the “Offensive Realism” paradigm. This essay examines each of these theories and discusses who was right and who was wrong in the light of post-Cold War history and contemporary global politics.

Fukuyama’s “End of History”

Francis Fukuyama famously predicted the “End of History” in his 1992 book, The End of History and the Last Man, which posited that the ideological struggle was over with the victory of liberal democracy over communism. Fukuyama stated that history, understood as a sequence of conflicts driven by ideas, had reached its final stage. According to Fukuyama, liberal democracy and capitalism would become the single form of governance for all nations, ensuring global peace.

Critics argue that Fukuyama’s theory has not stood the test of time, as the notion of a universal spread of liberal democracy has not unfolded as predicted. Countries such as China and Russia continue to resist the allure of liberal democracy, while illiberal democracies or hybrid regimes have emerged in various parts of the world. Additionally, recent far-right political movements in Europe and the US also cast doubt on Fukuyama’s thesis of an irrevocable commitment to liberal democracy.

Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations”

Samuel Huntington’s 1993 article, “The Clash of Civilizations?”, which he later developed into a book, proposed that the post-Cold War era would be characterized by conflicts arising from cultural and religious differences rather than ideological disparity. Huntington contended that the world was divided into distinct civilizations, with the West and the non-Western world often at odds over values, norms, and social structures. The most critical clash, according to Huntington, would be between the Islamic and Western civilizations.

Although the 9/11 attacks and other instances of terrorism in the 21st century have lent support to Huntington’s theory, critics argue it oversimplifies the nature of international politics. Not all conflicts in the post-Cold War era can be exclusively attributed to religious or cultural differences, and other factors such as power struggles, economic interests, and political ambitions continue to drive conflicts in various regions. Moreover, Huntington’s theory has been accused of perpetuating stereotypes and fostering a sense of “us vs. them,” which may inadvertently escalate intercultural tensions.

Mearsheimer’s “Offensive Realism”

John Mearsheimer, in his book The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, proposed an “Offensive Realism” theory that forecasted a continuation of power struggles despite the end of the Cold War. Mearsheimer contended that great powers would always seek to dominate one another and that periods of relative peace and stability are ultimately temporary. He predicted that states would seek to become regional hegemons and prevent other states from achieving the same status to ensure their survival.

Indeed, many recent events lend credibility to Mearsheimer’s theory. For instance, the rise of China as a global superpower challenging US dominance, Russia’s aggressive foreign policy, and the complexities of the Middle East all point to the persistence of power struggles in the international arena. However, critics argue that Mearsheimer’s focus on power dynamics overlooks the importance of international norms, institutions, and interdependence in shaping global politics and maintaining stability.

Who Was Right and Who Was Wrong?

Each of these theories contains predictions that have been both validated and challenged in the years since their inception. Fukuyama’s “End of History” thesis underestimated the continued appeal of non-liberal democratic systems and the emergence of populist movements. Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations,” while unearthing the role of cultural and religious differences in global politics, risks oversimplifying an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Mearsheimer’s “Offensive Realism” theory identified the enduring presence of great power competition, but perhaps downplays the significance of international cooperation and diplomacy.

It is, thus, difficult to declare one theory entirely “right” or “wrong,” as each provides insights into certain aspects of global politics while neglecting others. Ultimately, one’s perspective on the matter is likely to be shaped by their own political stance and personal beliefs.


As the global political landscape continues to evolve, scholars and policymakers should learn from the contributions made by the likes of Francis Fukuyama, Samuel Huntington, and John Mearsheimer while acknowledging their potential shortcomings. Moving forward, it is essential to recognize that a comprehensive understanding of post-Cold War international relations requires an integration of insights from various theories, as opposed to a dogmatic adherence to a singular worldview.

SAKHRI Mohamed

I hold a bachelor's degree in political science and international relations as well as a Master's degree in international security studies, alongside a passion for web development. During my studies, I gained a strong understanding of key political concepts, theories in international relations, security and strategic studies, as well as the tools and research methods used in these fields.

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