How to effectively target seniors ?

in 2018. Among them, 65% regularly use the internet and 35% say they are registered on at least one social network ( Statistica ).
Seniors connect to social networks to stay in touch with those around them and be informed of current events. This behavior implies that they pay more attention to what they see on the web than the majority of teenagers or adults. Moreover, when they like a brand, they are absolute followers of it.
However, seniors should not be approached in the same way as millennials! To help you, here is how to communicate with people over 60.

1. Segment and personalize your email list

The personalization of emails multiplies transaction rates by 6, and this is also valid when the target is old.
In addition, segmentation will allow you to better personalize your messages according to the needs of seniors. Without forgetting to sub-segment: between the 50-60 year olds, the 61-74 year olds and the over 75 year olds, there may still be differences in communication.
Also remember that your products and services may not be suitable for all age groups.

2. Make it easy

Seniors are very quickly frustrated by their digital experience. If you want to capture their hearts, keep it as simple as possible.
When you present information to them, make sure it is clear, straightforward and unconditional. Make conversion pages as simple as possible, like the shopping cart, and avoid pop-ups.
In addition, do not lose older Internet users with complementary products that appear everywhere, or even that are automatically added to the basket. If so, you are going to experience a significant number of cart abandonments .

3. Be honest

Avoid flashy advertising that may seem misleading. Keep it honest and simple in your offer.
If there are terms of purchases, drop the unreadable asterisks for an obvious explanation. If seniors don’t understand everything or are afraid of hidden information, they won’t convert.

4. Think human interaction

Millennials love chatbots that automatically answer their questions on websites or social media. But seniors still have some difficulty speaking with a machine.
They need to talk to real people on the phone who provide information, services and support.
You will therefore have to offer responsive and professional telephone customer service . In fact, it can even be a selling point.

5. Play on their court

In addition to a digital activity, seniors still buy paper magazines and newspapers. They also enjoy leafing through printed catalogs.
So yes, you can target them via digital advertising, on social networks (Facebook in mind) or on specialized media (Pleine Vie, Femme Actuelle, Serengo, etc.), but don’t forget traditional advertising!
You can buy magazine inserts, advertise on the radio, or drop flyers in their mailbox.

6. Focus communication on results

It’s not because we get older that passions change. In reality, seniors want to take advantage of their retirement to do everything they didn’t have time for before: travelling, painting, playing music, walking, getting involved in an association, seeing their grandchildren…
They don’t want to consume for the sake of consuming, they want results or pleasure.
Before buying, seniors want to know what your product or service will bring them. Put an emphasis on the advantages of the product, what it allows to do or receive, rather than on its technical characteristics.
By respecting these 6 elements, you will be able to better target seniors and communicate with them.
Remember to keep it simple, be honest and authentic, without forgetting to value human interactions, and you will quickly become a brand adored by the over 60s!

SAKHRI Mohamed
SAKHRI Mohamed

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations in addition to a Master's degree in International Security Studies. Alongside this, I have a passion for web development. During my studies, I acquired a strong understanding of fundamental political concepts and theories in international relations, security studies, and strategic studies.

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