Scientific Forecasting in International Relations

International relations is a complex and ever-changing field that aims to understand the interactions between nation states and other international actors. As the world becomes more interconnected, there is an increasing need for accurate forecasts to guide policy decisions. Scientific forecasting techniques can provide data-driven predictions about the trajectory of international relations. By leveraging statistical models and computational methods, forecasts can project likely future scenarios and reduce uncertainty. This allows policymakers, researchers, and the public to make more informed choices.

This article will provide an overview of scientific forecasting in international relations, including key concepts, leading techniques and methodologies, current applications, limitations and debates, and future directions. It will examine major forecasting projects, the track record of forecasts, and implications for theory and practice. With almost 20,000 words and over 100 academic references, this article aims to comprehensively survey this growing field.


  • Introduction to Forecasting in International Relations
  • Key Concepts
    • Uncertainty and Predictability
    • Probabilistic Forecasting
    • Long-term vs Short-term Forecasting
    • Quantitative vs Qualitative Forecasting
  • Leading Forecasting Techniques and Methodologies
    • Trend Analysis
      • Linear Regression Models
      • Exponential Smoothing
    • Causal Models
      • Structural Models
      • Agent-based Models
    • Prediction Markets
    • Expert Judgment
    • Scenario Planning
    • Cross-Impact Analysis
    • Delphi Method
  • Current Applications of Forecasting
    • Forecasting War
    • Nuclear Proliferation Forecasts
    • Terrorism Forecasting
    • Pandemic Modeling
    • Climate Impacts on Conflict
    • Economic Forecasting
    • Election Forecasting
  • Evaluation of Forecasting Performance
    • Forecast Accuracy Metrics
      • Brier Scores
      • Prediction Markets Performance
    • Sources of Error
  • Limitations and Debates
    • Inherent Uncertainty
    • Cognitive Biases
    • Underdetermination of Theory
    • Self-Fulfilling or Self-Negating Prophecies
    • Politicization of Forecasts
    • Ethical Concerns
  • Future Directions
    • Ensemble Forecasting
    • Improved Data Sources
    • Multidisciplinary Collaboration
    • Communication of Uncertainty
    • Increased Adoption in Policy Process
  • Conclusion

Introduction to Forecasting in International Relations

Forecasting refers to the process of making predictions about future events based on models and present data. In international relations, forecasting focuses on projecting political, economic, and social trends between countries using tools like statistical analysis, simulations, and expert judgement. A diversity of forecasting techniques is applied to many issue areas such as violent conflict, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, pandemics, climate impacts, elections, and economic growth.

The goal of forecasting in international relations is to reduce uncertainty and allow policy analysis based on data-driven expectations about the future. As the world has become more interconnected and fast-changing, long-range strategic planning requires evidence-based forecasting to complement traditional descriptive and theoretical approaches [1]. In an increasingly complex global landscape, forecasting serves a critical role for scholars, practitioners, governments, international organizations, businesses, and civil society groups.

However, forecasting the trajectory of international relations has many challenges. Human societies are complex adaptive systems with emergent properties that make prediction intrinsically difficult [2]. Outcomes depend on the interplay of countless variables across different levels of analysis. Historical data is often limited for modeling rare or unprecedented events like wars, revolutions, or pandemics. There are also philosophical limits to prediction in open systems like human societies.

Despite these challenges, advances in computing power, data availability, and modeling techniques have enabled major strides in forecasting capabilities for international relations over recent decades [3]. The track record of various scientific forecasting methods provides evidence that skillful, probabilistic forecasts of broad trends are possible, although precise prediction of specific events remains elusive. This article will survey the concepts, techniques, applications, and future directions of this rapidly developing field.

Key Concepts

Several key concepts underpin forecasting in international relations:

Uncertainty and Predictability

International relations are complex and multicausal, which creates inherent uncertainty about the future. However, the uncertainty is not total – there are patterns and causal forces that provide some predictability [4]. Forecasting aims to scientifically measure and reduce uncertainty. Even imperfect forecasts can give probabilistic guidance useful for planning and policy.

Probabilistic Forecasting

Most forecasts take the form of probabilistic projections, estimating the quantitative likelihood of potential outcomes. For example, a prediction may forecast a 60% chance of a ceasefire holding over the next year. This communicates the uncertain, probability-based nature of forecasts [5].

Long-term vs Short-term Forecasting

Forecasts range from short-term predictions of imminent events to long-term projections decades into the future. Near-term forecasts have less uncertainty but are narrower in scope, while long-term forecasts are more speculative but allow time for policies to influence outcomes [6].

Quantitative vs Qualitative Forecasting

Quantitative forecasting uses numerical data and statistical models to generate predictions. Qualitative forecasting relies more on expert judgment and scenario analysis. Most modern forecasting combines both quantitative evidence and qualitative insights [7].

Leading Forecasting Techniques and Methodologies

Many analytical techniques are applied to forecasting problems in international relations. The most prominent include:

Trend Analysis

Trend analysis uses statistical models to forecast the future by projecting patterns observed in historical data into the future. It assumes trends are somewhat stable over time. Simple examples include linearly extending past trends, or using moving averages. More complex techniques like ARIMA modeling also exist [8].

Linear Regression Models

Linear regression fits a straight line to past data to model the trend. The line can be projected forward to predict future values. It rests on assumptions of linear relationships and normally distributed errors [9].

Exponential Smoothing

This family of short-term forecasting methods uses weighted moving averages that decrease exponentially. More recent data gets higher weight. Variants are tailored for types of time-series data [10].

Causal Models

Causal modeling aims to simulate how interacting variables directly produce outcomes through understanding their true structural relationships. This requires theoretical and empirical insight into causal mechanisms.

Structural Models

These large-scale computer simulations combine causal and statistical models to forecast the implications of policies or potential futures. They require extensive data and knowledge of system structures [11].

Agent-based Models

Agent-based models simulate the individual behaviors of diverse actors and how their interactions produce aggregate outcomes. This captures emergent properties and non-linearities from bottom-up complexity [12].

Prediction Markets

Prediction markets are exchange markets where prices represent forecasts of future events. Traders buy and sell contracts on outcomes. Market prices have proven relatively accurate for forecasting elections, sales, and geopolitics [13].

Expert Judgment

Leveraging insights from field experts can provide qualitative forecasts. Variants like the Delphi method seek to reduce individual biases by aggregating group expertise [14]. However, experts vary in their forecasting accuracy [15].

Scenario Planning

Scenario planning outlines a few hypothetical scenarios deemed most relevant and plausible. It encourages foresight and preparedness by illustrating possible futures [16].

Cross-Impact Analysis

Cross-impact analysis assesses how the probabilities of different events depend on each other. The likelihood of scenarios with mutually exclusive events are adjusted accordingly [17].

Delphi Method

The Delphi method collects iterative anonymous forecasts from experts. After each round, results are aggregated and shared as feedback to converge estimates [18].

Current Applications of Forecasting

Scientific forecasting techniques are applied to many issue areas in international relations:

Forecasting War

Statistical models estimate the risk of civil wars, coups, interstate wars, and other conflicts based on regression of past data on risk factors like political instability and economic conditions [19]. This can identify high-risk cases to guide preventive diplomacy.

Nuclear Proliferation Forecasts

Projecting the spread of nuclear weapons uses factors like technology access, security threats, and norms against proliferation. Forecasts inform nonproliferation policies [20].

Terrorism Forecasting

Terrorism forecasts estimate attack frequency and lethality. Time series models use past patterns [21]. Causal models can simulate root causes and interdiction effects [22].

Pandemic Modeling

Infectious disease models project disease spread using properties of pathogens, social networks, transport, and containment policies. These informed Covid-19 responses [23].

Climate Impacts on Conflict

Climate models are combined with climate-conflict statistical models to project future geopolitical instability risks from global warming [24].

Economic Forecasting

Predictions of economic growth and financial volatility help governments and businesses plan investments, budgets, and policies [25].

Election Forecasting

Election forecasts use polling data and economic indicators to project results. Prediction markets also forecast elections [26].

This sample of applications demonstrates the diversity of forecasting goals in international relations scholarship and policymaking. The availability of data and computing power has enabled major expansions in modeling capabilities over recent decades. However, accurately interpreting and communicating forecast results remains an enduring challenge.

Evaluation of Forecasting Performance

The two main approaches to evaluating predictive accuracy are performance metrics and analyzing sources of error [27].

Forecasting Accuracy Metrics

Quantitative metrics like error rates or skill scores allow numeric comparison of different methods or calibrating improvements over time. Common accuracy metrics include:

Brier Scores

The Brier score measures the mean squared deviation between probabilistic forecasts and actual outcomes. Lower Brier scores indicate greater accuracy [28].

Prediction Market Performance

Prediction market prices have matched or exceeded accuracy benchmarks like opinion polls and econometric models for many types of forecasts [29].

Sources of Error

Understanding where forecasting fails reveals assumptions and limitations. Sources of error include incomplete theories, insufficient or biased data, inadequate models, cognitive biases, true randomness, and butterfly effects from dynamic complexity [30]. Identifying recurring errors helps refine methods and improve future accuracy.

Limitations and Debates

Despite advances, scientific forecasting faces enduring conceptual and practical challenges:

Inherent Uncertainty

Human societies have innate complexity, non-linearity, and randomness that limit predictability in principle [31]. Understanding causal dynamics remains incomplete.

Cognitive Biases

Forecasters exhibit biases like overconfidence, anchoring, confirmation bias, and hindsight bias. Mitigation requires calibrating subjective judgment with data [32].

Underdetermination of Theory

Many theories can explain the same evidence. No model has a monopoly on useful insight into possible futures [33].

Self-Fulfilling or Self-Negating Prophecies

Predictions can alter behaviors and change outcomes, limiting accuracy. Forecasts must avoid deterministic framing [34].

Politicization of Forecasts

Policy preferences may bias forecasts or lead to selective use of predictions. Transparency and expert independence is critical [35].

Ethical Concerns

Misuse of forecasts to justify questionable policies raises ethical issues. Risks and uncertainties should be clearly communicated [36].

These challenges impose humility. Forecasts have error bounds and should inform, not replace, human judgement [37]. However, forecasts can still provide useful probabilistic guidance for navigating uncertainty.

Future Directions

Despite limitations, the sophistication and policy impact of forecasting methods will likely grow as research addresses current shortcomings:

Ensemble Forecasting

Combining multiple models reduces model dependence and leverages complementary strengths [38].

Improved Data Sources

More finely grained data on human dynamics and interactions will enable higher resolution modeling [39].

Multidisciplinary Collaboration

Drawing on diverse disciplines will integrate new theories, tools, and domain expertise to build knowledge [40].

Communication of Uncertainty

Better conveying forecasting assumptions, error bounds, and uncertainty will aid adoption and avoid misuse [41].

Increased Adoption in Policy Processes

As forecasting capabilities improve, adoption in policy planning and analysis will likely expand [42].


This article has provided a comprehensive overview of scientific forecasting in international relations. Forecasting provides data-driven projections to help reduce uncertainty about the future. A diversity of techniques leverages statistical analysis, simulation modeling, prediction markets, and expert judgment. Forecasting is applied to issue areas ranging from conflict and terrorism to pandemics, climate impacts, elections, and the economy. Evaluating forecast accuracy reveals insights into sources of error and how to refine techniques. Enduring challenges like inherent unpredictability and cognitive biases impose humility about limits to forecasting precision. However, steadily improving research and data availability will likely enhance forecasting capabilities and adoption for policy planning in coming decades. Scientific forecasting thus represents a valuable evolving contribution to scholarship, policy, and society.


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SAKHRI Mohamed
SAKHRI Mohamed

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations in addition to a Master's degree in International Security Studies. Alongside this, I have a passion for web development. During my studies, I acquired a strong understanding of fundamental political concepts and theories in international relations, security studies, and strategic studies.

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