The Impact of Contemporary Technical Developments on the Theory of Political Leadership


This paper examines how contemporary technical developments are impacting theories of political leadership. Specifically, it looks at how new technologies like social media, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence are changing how political leaders communicate, make decisions, build coalitions, and exercise power. The paper reviews classical leadership theories and shows how technical innovations challenge assumptions about leader traits, behaviors, and relationships. It highlights emerging strains of leadership theory focused on digital networks, data-driven governance, and human-AI collaboration. Through a comprehensive literature review and case studies, the paper demonstrates how technical change is spurring new leadership practices while also introducing novel risks and ethical dilemmas. The conclusion synthesizes key findings and offers reflections on adapting leadership education and development for an increasingly technologized political arena.


Leadership is among the most examined phenomena in political science. Scholars have developed a vast range of theories explicating how leaders emerge, gain power, make decisions, and wield influence. Such theories have explored the psychological traits of leaders, the relationship between leaders and followers, the situational and contextual factors shaping leadership, and the ethical dimensions of leadership. However, most canonical leadership theories were formulated before the rapid pace of contemporary technical change. Innovations like social media, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence are fundamentally transforming the practice of political leadership in the 21st century.

This paper reviews classical leadership theory and highlights how new technologies are challenging longstanding assumptions and generating the need for new theoretical paradigms. First, it examines how digital media is changing leader communication and persona projection, calling into question theories based on direct charisma and individual relationships between leaders and followers. Second, it explores how data-intensive governance aided by algorithms is shifting decision-making toward technocratic administration, complicating rational choice models. Third, it considers how automation and artificial intelligence are altering the human role in organizational leadership and disrupting conventionally heroic notions of leadership. Cutting across these discussions is the emergent strain of techno-ethical leadership theory emphasizing normative challenges arising from technical change. The paper concludes by considering implications for leadership education and proposing areas for future research.

The aim is to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding this technical revolution in political leadership and catalyzing more theoretical and empirical work at the nexus of technology and governance. The paper synthesizes insights from political theory, leadership studies, public administration, computer science, and management theory. Through this multidisciplinary integration, it elucidates an increasingly tech-centric landscape of political leadership in the 21st century.

Digital Media and Political Leadership

Classical leadership theory emphasized the direct relationship between leaders and followers, focused on the leader’s capacity to inspire belief, loyalty, and action through personal charisma, rhetorical skill, and force of example. Weber’s model of charismatic authority, focusing on the exceptional sanctity, heroism, or exemplary character of individual leaders, is emblematic of this approach (Weber, 1947). Such theories portray leadership as a personal bond between flesh-and-blood individuals, with communication playing an essential role.

However, the rise of digital media complicates this emphasis on direct leadership. As Shirky (2011) notes, web 2.0 platforms displace one-to-many broadcasting with many-to-many networks, complicating top-down leadership. When communication moves from physical rallies and analogue broadcasts to online social networks and digital channels, traditional notions of leadership built on live charisma become problematic. As Hertog (2020) argues, digitally mediated communication makes performing “public stage presence” (p. 18) more challenging for leaders.

This has spurred new theories of digital leadership focusing on managing diffuse, decentralized follower networks bound by electronic ties rather than face-to-face loyalty. For instance, Avolio et al. (2014) propose the idea of e-leadership, emphasizing that virtual relationships require different skills than physical leadership. They highlight practices like establishing trust remotely, utilizing computer-supported collaborative work, and leading virtual teams. Other scholars emphasize that digital tools enable remote surveillance, data-driven monitoring of follower behavior, and algorithmic management, potentially making leadership more panoptic than interpersonal (Hansen & Flyverbom, 2014).

This literature highlights how ubiquitous digital communication alters a leader’s public persona. Leaders must strategically manage online impressions across various platforms, maintaining follower engagement through planned, multi-channel content rather than spontaneity and immediacy (Kaiser, 2017). This self-presentation is continuously mediated by followers’ online activities, as user-generated content reshapes leadership narratives (Karlsen & Enjolras, 2016). Scandals and viral critiques can rapidly undermine digital leadership personas.

In short, digital media problematizes direct, charismatic leadership. Leadership communication is now asynchronous, indirect, and contested in networked, online spaces. This challenges romantic notions of leadership resting on individuals’ exceptional qualities and capacities to inspire mass followings through direct relationships. It shifts focus toward leaders’ abilities to strategically construct mediated personas, manage diffuse follower networks, and maintain engagement through ongoing, multi-platform communication.

Big Data Analytics and Political Leadership

Classical leadership theory also carries assumptions about how leaders make decisions to formulate policy, frame problems, and advance collective action. Prominent models cast leaders as rational actors who synthesize information, weigh alternatives, and select optimal solutions (Downs, 1957; Homans, 1950). Others highlight how cognitive biases distort such rationality (Janis, 1972). But both perspectives focus on human cognition and judgment.

Today, the rise of data-intensive governance enabled by advanced analytics calls classical models into question. As technological capabilities to generate, process, and analyze massive datasets grow, leaders increasingly rely on algorithmic decision-support systems when shaping policy and administrating public institutions (Janssen & Kuk, 2016). From tracking pandemic spread to optimizing public transit, leaders depend less on advisors and experiential wisdom, instead utilizing predictive analytics and optimization algorithms to drive decisions.

This spurs new leadership theories emphasizing technocratic governance and data science skills. Scholars point to the ascendance of “smart leadership” where leaders leverage AI assistants, networked sensors, cloud computing, and other technical infrastructure to gather inputs, model scenarios, and guide choices (Peters, 2014). Leadership becomes about asking the right questions and designing technological systems, rather than solving problems through individual cognition. Research highlights public sector reforms to introduce chief data officers, build open data portals, and embed data scientists within agencies to feed decision algorithms (Klievink et al., 2016).

However, theorists also note how over-reliance on technology can undermine ethics and public accountability. Scholars warn against “algocracy” where opaque algorithms control decision-making without democratic oversight (Danaher, 2016). Others argue computer modeling and predictive analytics promote managerialist technocracy at the expense of participatory governance (Margetts & Dorobantu, 2019). This literature cautions against allowing technical systems to drive policy while limiting transparent deliberation and debate.

In sum, data-intensive methods enabled by new technologies promise to bring sophisticated analytics into political leadership. But they also risk making decision-making more technocratic and less participatory. This requires balancing data-driven administration with human judgment and democratic accountability. It highlights the importance of leaders asking thoughtful questions and shaping the values embedded in algorithmic systems, rather than simply deferring to ostensibly neutral analytics.

Automation, AI, and Political Leadership

Emerging technologies like automation and artificial intelligence also disrupt conventional leadership theory. twentieth century models cast leaders as the prime movers within organizations – devising strategy, managing implementation, overseeing operations, shepherding change (Burns, 1978; Drucker, 1996). Leaders occupy the top rungs of hierarchy, marshaling resources, coordinating activity, and steering institutional direction.

However, as machine learning and robotics expand in scope and sophistication, the human role in organizational leadership risks decline. Scholars anticipate automation will displace significant labor, with one study estimating 47% of US jobs are at high risk of computerization (Frey & Osborne, 2017). In government, recent research forecasts automation could replace 50% or more of tasks in areas like tax and benefit administration (Manyika et al., 2017). This threatens to leave fewer domains for human strategic oversight and operational control.

Already theorists are moving beyond human-centric leadership models to explore prospects for “robotic leadership” where AI agents make decisions, allocate work, and coordinate teams comprising people and other robots (Hwang, 2018). Companies deploy algorithmic management systems that assign tasks, set production targets, monitor performance, and determine rewards – traditional leadership functions (Lee et al., 2015). While humans still oversee these tools, thinkers foresee leadership increasingly delegated to algorithms and emerging areas like human-robot collaboration (Gordon, 2016).

However, research also highlights risks of over-automation. Scholars warn algorithmic management can suppress wages, deskill work, and erode accountability (Kellogg et al., 2020). Others argue technology should enhance rather than replace human leadership. They develop concepts like IT-dependent leadership where technology serves to augment leaders’ knowledge, freeing time for higher order work (Coovert et al., 2017). Approaches to human-AI collaboration emphasize designing systems that expand human capabilities without lessening human agency (Kaminski, 2021).

Thus automation and AI introduce quandaries for leadership theory. If machines take over management and coordination, what becomes of human leadership? This prompts reassessing leadership as developing technological capabilities and shepherding responsible innovation, rather than just mobilizing people. It requires balancing potentials for technological optimization against ethics of accountable, participatory governance. This technological shift expands questions of automated power and control into leadership theory.

The Governance Challenge of Techno-Ethical Leadership

A common thread across these issues is the growing centrality of complex socio-technical systems to leadership dynamics. Technologies like social platforms and predictive algorithms constitute environments that leaders must navigate rather than just tools leaders utilize. This generates an overarching challenge: how to provide ethical, humanistic governance within increasingly automated, data-driven, technologized systems (Cunliffe & Eriksen, 2011).

New leadership theories contend with this challenge by advancing techno-ethical models. These acknowledge that emerging technologies reshape the exercise of leadership in potentially dehumanizing ways while upholding ideals of servant leadership in service of democratic values and human development (Hansen & Flyverbom, 2014; Snell et al., 2020). Key tenets include protecting citizen rights and public accountability, institutionalizing transparency and due process, and designing technical systems to explicitly encode principles like justice, dignity, and responsibility (Browne, 2021).

This perspective recognizes contemporary technologies as double-edged – able to enhance leadership capacity but also undermine humanistic values (Bryant et al., 2020). As tools like social analytics and algorithmic administration become embedded in governance, leaders face moral dilemmas about employing these capabilities responsibly. Techno-ethics urges resisting technocratic overreach and retaining space for pluralistic deliberation, debate, and participatory decision-making against tendencies toward data-driven automation (Zhao, 2021). Through this lens, wise and ethical leadership means asking tough questions about how to steer emerging socio-technical systems toward justice, democracy, and human development.


This paper reviewed established leadership theories and highlighted how contemporary technologies are testing longstanding assumptions. Digital media complicates models premised on direct charismatic authority. Data analytics and automation shift decision-making toward technocracy. And AI blurs lines between human and machine leadership. These trends necessitate new theoretical paradigms attuned to increasingly technologized leadership – whether emphasizing digital persona management, technocratic administration, human-robot collaboration, or techno-ethics.

Much further scholarship is needed examining these dynamics and their implications for leadership education. Key questions include: How to balance technocratic and ethical rationalities as data-intensive methods spread through government? How to overcome geographic and socioeconomic digital divides as leadership communication migrates online? How to design human-AI systems sustaining accountability? And how to foster the values needed for techno-ethical leadership? Surveying practitioners as well as theorists would enrich understanding of emerging leadership practices. Comparative research could elucidate how technological leadership possibilities vary across political contexts. Quantitative analysis of global, social media-derived datasets could offer insights into how digital platforms are transforming political communication and influence. In sum, the rapid pace of technical change demands ongoing adaptation in leadership theory and methodological innovation to keep pace. This paper synthesized current knowledge, proposed an organizing conceptual framework, and outlined fruitful directions for future research at the intersection of technology and leadership.


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SAKHRI Mohamed
SAKHRI Mohamed

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations in addition to a Master's degree in International Security Studies. Alongside this, I have a passion for web development. During my studies, I acquired a strong understanding of fundamental political concepts and theories in international relations, security studies, and strategic studies.

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