Signed in Washington April 4, 1949, ratified by the Senate on July 21, 1949, ratified by the President of the United States on July 25, 1949 and deposited in Washington July 25, 1949, entered into force on August 24, 1949.
Additions (to include Greece and Turkey) were declared by the President of the United States on August 24, 1949 and amended (Article 6) by the October 17, 1951 Protocol; To include the Federal Republic of Germany, under the 23 October 1954 Protocol 263 Stat. 2241; Treaties and Other International Decree Series 1964.
North Atlantic Treaty
The parties to this agreement reaffirm their belief in the goals and principles of the United Nations Charter, and their desire to live with all peoples and governments in peace. The parties affirm their insistence on protecting freedom, the common heritage, and the civilization of their peoples, which are based on the foundations and principles of democracy, freedom, individuality, order and law. They seek to consolidate stability and prosperity in the North Atlantic region, determined to unite efforts, for collective defense, protection and maintenance of peace and security, and accordingly, they have agreed on this agreement:
Article 1
The parties are bound by the provisions of the United Nations Charter to settle every case of international conflict in which they are a party, by peaceful means, and thus international peace, security, and justice are not endangered, and the parties are also obligated to give up any threat of force or its use in their international relations, In a manner inconsistent with the goals of the United Nations.
Article 2
The parties will contribute to the continuing development of international relations of peace and friendship at a time when they support their free institutions and achieve a better understanding of the principles and foundations on which these institutions are based. They also seek and encourage factors of solidarity and prosperity, as they seek, in their international economic policy, to Avoiding disputes and contradictions, and encouraging and supporting economic cooperation, between all parties, individually or collectively.
Article 3
To better achieve the objectives of this agreement, the parties, individually and collectively, work through effective, permanent self-reliance, and mutual support, to achieve a force of resistance, self-conviction, and common, against attacks and armed attacks, and continue to develop that.
Article 4
The parties consult with each other, when any of them feel that the peace of the region, or political independence, and the security of one of the parties is threatened.
Article 5
The parties agree that any attack or armed aggression against one of them, or several parties, in Europe or North America, is considered aggression against them all, and accordingly, they agree that, in the event of such armed aggression, all One of them, in implementation of Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, has the right to self-defense, individually or collectively, to provide support and assistance to the party, or parties, which are under attack, to take self-measures, in cooperation with other parties, without delay. Including the use of weapon force, which he believes is necessary to restore security to the North Atlantic region, and to confirm it. The Security Council is informed without delay of every attack and armed aggression, and all countermeasures taken against it. Measures will be stopped, as soon as the Security Council takes the necessary steps to restore and stabilize international peace and security.
Article 6
According to the concept of Article 5, any aggression or armed attack on one or more parties is considered:
a. Every aggression or armed attack, on any region, for one of the parties, in Europe and North America, or the Algerian part of France, the region of Turkey, or one of the islands subject to the sovereignty of one of the parties, in the North Atlantic region, north of the Tropic of Cancer.
B. Aggression or attack against combat forces, ships, or aircraft of one of the parties, in these areas, or through its airspace, or its territorial waters, or one of the regions in Europe, or in the North Atlantic region, north of the Tropic of Cancer, where the occupation forces of one of the parties were stationed For a while, the North Atlantic Treaty was in effect, or in effect.
Article 7
This agreement does not affect and cannot be interpreted as affecting the rights and duties of the parties, members of the United Nations, as a consequence of its charter, nor does it affect in the first place the responsibility of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security, and it cannot be interpreted in such a way. .
Article 8
Each party declares that there are no international obligations currently between it and other parties, or a third country, that conflict with the regulations and terms of this agreement. And he shall not undertake or become involved in any international obligations that contradict this agreement.
Article 9
The parties shall form and form a council, in which each of them is represented, to discuss and study issues of implementation of this agreement, and this council shall be formed and built, so that it can meet at any time and quickly. The Council shall establish subordinate bodies and bodies, as long as it is necessary, and in particular, it shall, without delay, form a defense committee, which shall undertake the task of recommending special procedures, in the implementation of articles (3 and 5).
Article 10
The parties can, through a collective decision, request that every other European country that is able to support the principles of this agreement and contribute to the security of the North Atlantic region, join the alliance. And every country that is invited, as previously mentioned, can, by depositing its instruments of accession with the United States government, become a member of this agreement. The United States government, in turn, informs each party of submitting such a document to it, and depositing it with it (a document and a document of accession).
Article 11
The parties ratify and approve the agreement in a manner consistent with their constitution, and then implement its provisions and regulations. The documents and instruments of ratification are deposited with the United States as soon as possible, which in turn informs all other signatory countries of the convention of every deposit that takes place with it. The convention will enter into force and enter into force among the ratifying countries, once the majority of the signatory countries have deposited their instruments of ratification. Including, the attestation documents of: Belgium – the United Kingdom – France – Canada – Luxembourg – the Netherlands – the United States. As for other countries, it becomes effective for them, on the day of depositing their instruments of ratification, of the Convention with the United States.
Article 12
Ten years after the entry into force of the Treaty, or at any other time, the parties accept, at the request of one of them, to hold consultations, regarding the re-review of the Treaty and its studies, in light of the circumstances that subsequently affect the peace and security of the North Atlantic region. Or based on any development that may occur to international and regional conventions, in order to maintain international peace and security, within the framework of the United Nations Charter.
Article 13
After the period of validity and implementation of the treaty, for a period of twenty years, any party has the right to withdraw from the agreement. And that is after a year of presenting a warning, or a notification to that, to the United States government, which informs the governments of other parties, with a note, of depositing all notifications and warnings they receive.
Article 14
The agreement shall be deposited in the records and archives of the government of the United States of America, and its English and French texts shall be deemed to be equally correct, and it shall be deposited in the archives of the United States government, where it sends certified copies of the agreements to the governments of other signatory countries on the agreement.
Done in Washington, on April 4, 1949.
For the Kingdom of Belgium: P.H. SPAAK – SILVERCRUYS
For France: SCHUMAN – H.BoNNET
For the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: Jos. BECH – HUGUES LE GALLAIS
For the Kingdom of the Netherlands: STIKKER – EN VAN KLEFFENS
:For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: ERNEST BEVIN – OLIVER FRANKS
For the United States of America: DEAN ACHESON
Sources and references:
The North Atlantic Treaty, Nato website.