How to find sponsors for your event ?

Finding sponsors is the second major challenge for event organizers.
Is this your case? So, discover our 8 tips for easily finding sponsors for your next big event!

1. Start with local businesses

Start with local businesses

2. Present a professional and clean brand image

Sponsors will rate you by checking your website, customer reviews, and social media presence. The idea is to know if you are a reliable partner, who corresponds to their values.
Put yourself in their head: what information will they be looking for? What are they hoping to find? If necessary, optimize your digital presence before approaching sponsors.

3. Focus on key decision makers

Ultimately, only a handful of people will make the final decision to sponsor your event. With this in mind, be sure to contact these decision makers as soon as possible.
Tools such as LinkedIn are useful for targeting these relevant actors. It is also an opportunity to get in touch with them in another way and to establish a first quality relationship.
The better you know your target, the easier it will be to find the arguments to persuade them to sponsor your event.

4. Offer a reason to sponsor your event

Companies use their sponsorship as a marketing strategy. It is clear that they want something out of it. What can you offer the sponsor that is directly related to their ongoing campaigns? It’s not just about attracting attention and increasing the number of clicks on their website. Very often, there are image and notoriety objectives .
Ideally, describe the audience your event is aimed at. Who is the target? Which consumer profiles will be present?
Alternatively, you can offer a “gift” in return, such as VIP membership or access to private sales to the sponsor’s customers. Cross-promotions or process exchanges are also excellent arguments to convince companies to sponsor your meeting.

5. Contact sponsors of similar events

Simple and effective: Evaluate companies that already sponsor similar events.
These brands already understand the value of sponsorship, they have shown their interest in this type of event and are therefore likely to invest in your project.

6. Ask your audience to suggest sponsors

How to find sponsors for your event ?

While researching organizations that share your target audience, why not ask your clients to suggest sponsors? They’ll feel valued because you’ll let them know that their opinion matters.
Plus, this quick (and inexpensive) market research reveals the interests and brands your audience loves. Perfect for obtaining essential data for your marketing campaigns!
Moreover, if a company is often cited by your audience, this gives you an additional argument to convince them to sponsor your event.

7. Provide a data-rich sponsorship request

Sponsors will invest in your event. That is, they expect a return on investment.
To convince them, you will have to provide figures. Send them a presentation that describes the expected number of participants, the potential engagement generated on social networks, media coverage, etc.
Also, consider sharing the click-through rate or CTR for event-specific ads.
If you have already organized events before, highlight the volume of participants, the income generated, the notoriety obtained and anything that will convince the companies contacted.

8. Personalize sponsorship offers

You should customize your offer and negotiate with each sponsor based on their individual needs. Do not settle for a general formula or repeat that of your previous event.
Find out what brings them closer to your business and the benefits that can motivate them.


To find a sponsor for your event, start early! Prepare your data, tools and arguments to convince decision-makers to sponsor you. Do not hesitate to solicit the community and use the “local” argument so that your search for sponsors is a real success.

SAKHRI Mohamed
SAKHRI Mohamed

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations in addition to a Master's degree in International Security Studies. Alongside this, I have a passion for web development. During my studies, I acquired a strong understanding of fundamental political concepts and theories in international relations, security studies, and strategic studies.

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