Hello, this page is dedicated to contacting us at any time, whether you wish to send us an article, research, or study for publication in our encyclopedia, or to submit an application or inquire about a specific topic.
Submitting articles, research, and various files (Word/PDF) can be done via the main email: contact@politics-dz.com.
Important note: We do not accept articles from researchers that have been previously published on other sites, as we aim to avoid sites being penalized for duplicate and copied content (even if the article is submitted by the original author).
Types of Articles and Research:
- Articles and political research.
- Security-related articles and research.
- Economic articles and research.
- Articles and research on historical incidents.
- Strategic research and articles on international conflicts.
- Political, economic, and legal concepts and terms.
- Translations of articles by historians or those interested in political, security, economic, environmental, and legal affairs.
- Articles and research on social and environmental issues.
- Reviews of new book publications on politics, security, economics, and legal sciences.
- Publishing master’s and doctoral theses and dissertations.
- Publishing the content of national and international scientific forums.
Conditions for Article or Research Submission:
- Do not use language that is insulting, slanderous, or defamatory.
- Avoid using racist language against any group or individuals.
- Do not include pornographic images or language.
- Do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others; copying and pasting text is strictly prohibited. The author’s name and source must be cited.
- The article must not have been previously published on the internet and must be original (verified by a special program).
- Include sources of information (very important).
- The article must be at least 800 words.
Obligations of Encyclopedia Management:
- Communicate with the writer about their article or research within 48 hours.
- Publish the article under the writer’s name without changes or modifications, allowing the writer to use their article as a reference at any time.
- Explain the reason for rejecting any article (if rejected).
- We never ask for money to publish any researcher’s article; all publications are free.
- We commit to publishing the article on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
- Consult the writer if there is a need to amend titles and paragraphs, whether in terms of wording or ideas.
- Please send your full name, photo, and a short bio (optional) for use in the encyclopedia.
A Note About Intellectual Property:
Important note: Regarding books published and downloadable in the encyclopedia, some books and messages are submitted by their owners, especially older works, while others are collected from the internet. Many of these have been published on various sites, forums, and social media for years. We do not “photograph” or “copy” books or messages; we simply collect and organize them to make them more accessible to students for their research. If you believe that the posting of any of these electronic files violates the laws of publishing and distributing your research, books, or any other material, please report it via email to contact@politics-dz.com. We will review and remove the file within 48 hours. On the other hand, we encourage you to contribute to enriching the content of the encyclopedia and helping your fellow researchers and scholars. We look forward to receiving your contributions, which will be published after review. You can submit your contributions through the following means:
- You can use the contact form for questions:
- Email: contact@politics-dz.com