In the war on the CORONAvirus, is China a count or a friend?

Graham Allison and Christopher Lee, National Interest Journal, March 27, 2020, United States

Preparation and translation: Jalal Khashebe, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Islamic Studies and World Affairs

The researchers’ article comes within the context of the “Project to Avoid War between The Great Powers”, led by Graham Allison and co-authored by Christopher Lee of Harvard, allison, the author of the original factual writings that define S.-China relations as intensely competitive relations, begs in this article, asking the professor’s company To me at this difficult juncture that the world is going through because of the Coronavirus crisis: “Can the United States and China be both intense competitors and partners at the same time?” In this urgent circumstance, it is a strategic necessity, even if this partnership is short-lived, and instead of both forces heading for mutual demonization, each of them must realize that each country needs the other to defeat this common deadly enemy, the interests and gains that both may suffer from this virus will be less if they are properly cooperated. The embodiment of such mutual cooperation will not be easy, of course, as the researchers argue, it is not easy to jump on the fact that the intense rivalry between the two forces is a key feature of their long-term future relations, as the Chinese ascent is not possible. China, which began this century with a gross domestic product of less than a quarter of its U.S. counterpart, has now surpassed the United States, creating an economy larger than the U.S. economy, while swinging The last day between the prolonged recession and the real recession, and the Chinese military, which was forced to retreat in the Taiwan Strait crisis in 1996, when the United States sent two aircraft carriers to the theater there, over the past two decades has built an arsenal of images that have been destroyed. A move that would force the United States to make different choices today, so if the United States cannot successfully overcome the epidemic today, China may be bolder in the foreseeable future and even subjugate Taiwan by force under its rule. After comparing the way China and the United States respond to the epidemic (a full positive assessment of China versus a clear U.S. bias), the researchers argue that rejecting their joint cooperation will have serious consequences for greater leadership competition. Therefore, the common challenge that Corona poses to the world today opens up an opportunity to intensify scientific cooperation between the two forces and may open up other cooperation horizons that reduce competition. For example, more than one-third of the scientific articles published by Americans today include at least one foreign participant, and Chinese students receive one-third of all U.S. PhDs in science, technology, engineering and sports. For this reason, the authors identifi three major areas in which today’s partnership between the two forces can take place to address the Corona epidemic. First, the area of data sharing on this new and mysterious virus, noting that, for example, China’s sharing of the first hiv data it had with the world and the World Health Organization (WHO) early on had a huge positive scientific impact that enabled scientists and governments to launch their research or take appropriate action against the epidemic. Second, the area of strengthening global diagnostic and health procedures, of the $22 billion worth of essential medical equipment imported by the United States annually, about a quarter came from China before the war of customs duties that were built on them. Thirdly, the field of biomedical research, and here the authors are praised by the recent harvard Medical School’s cooperation agreement with the Chinese Guangzu Institute to defeat Coved-19, dr. Zhang Nanshan on the Chinese side is leading this project, and he was the first doctor to determine sars virus in 2003. Finally, as scientists emphasize, the authors recommend the importance of scientific cooperation between the two forces, as it leads to better results and makes this circumstance generate more gains for both of them and for the world as a whole, so the partnership between China and the United States today is a strategic necessity, albeit a limited-term partnership.

Preparation and translation: Jalal Khasheb, Geopolitics Compass, Center for Islamic Studies and World Affairs, 1st Volume, 18th Issue, 03 April 2020, Istanbul-Turkey (Copyright: Centre for Islamic Studies and World Affairs 2020, all rights reserved)

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SAKHRI Mohamed

I hold a bachelor's degree in political science and international relations as well as a Master's degree in international security studies, alongside a passion for web development. During my studies, I gained a strong understanding of key political concepts, theories in international relations, security and strategic studies, as well as the tools and research methods used in these fields.

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